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An Introduction to the Guitar | Quick Anatomy | Tuning the Guitar | Posture and Position

Body Positioning[]

Standing up[]

  • Use a strap.
  • Keep the fretboard on a slight angle higher than parallel to the ground.
  • Keep your fretboard arm in, towards the body.

Sitting Down[]

  • The curve of the guitar should be over your leg.
    • Some guitarists, especially classical players, play with the guitar on the leg under their fretting hand (with the guitar between your legs). If you do this it may help to put that foot on something to elevate your knee a little bit. Also in this position, the neck of the guitar should be facing upwards at a 45 degree angle.
  • Keep your arm in, towards the body.

Left Hand Position[]

Classical Position[]

  • Place your thumb in the center of the fretboard. It should not wrap around the fretboard. Your thumb should stay flat on the back of the neck.
  • No part of your hand should be pressed against the fretboard; only your fingers.
  • Fingers should have a slight arch, and each finger should avoid touching more then one string at a time.
  • Try to touch the strings with only the tip of your fingers.

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If you've got the hang of the positioning, it's time to start playing!

Blues Position[]

  • Wrap your thumb around the other side of the fretboard. This is good for string bending.

Right Hand Position[]

  • Right hand position varies widely. It all depends on how your strumming, with what fingers, if your using picks, and what style your playing in. Fortunately the position of the right hand varies so much to begin with their isn't really a science to it. Just do what is comfortable.